Wednesday 26 September 2007

Kenny :)

I'm so happy :)
Things are looking great for me
I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. He makes me feel so happy and I feel loved. I wouldn't change anying about him.
We just have a bond. We can communicate and we have NO secrets from each other at all. I've never had this feeling before. I feel that we have a future together and I feel we're perfectly matched.
We're going to Canada together in April at some point and I can't wait. I feel that when we go there we're gonna be even closer than we are now- and that's saying something!!!

We've nearly been together for a year now. It'll be a year on Boxing day and I can't wait. I can tell it's gonna be an amazing day! :D

Well, that'll do for now :) xxxx

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Glasgow, Kenny and weeeeeeeed

Hello to ayone who reads this! How are you?

Well, as I type I am currently in Microplay! Oh yes! The g33kness!!! :P

I have had a GREAT time!!

But, I miss Kenny so damn much! I've been staying with Andrew for a few nights and have been stoned outa my tits!! :D Bob came up aswell which was cool :) We watched Shortbus which I must say was amazing!!! The most sexually explicit film I've ever seen that wasn't a porno!!! lmao!! A must see for everyone!!

Damn... this ALWAYS happens!! I have loads to say but dunno what to say!!!

GAH!!! I'll just leave it at that and type up something else when I think of something.

Ciao people! xxx

P.S. Work sucks!!

Friday 6 July 2007


Where to begin.....

I'm having that feeling where I wanna type for ages and ages bitching about everything and anything but...... I can't think of anything to say...


I feel lonely... Stupid, isn't it? I'm surrounded by family friends and that special amazing person who actually loves me, but I still feel alone! Seriously, wtf?!

I could really do with a hug right now....

Work sucks.

Wednesday 27 June 2007


Hey people

Well, second day at work was ok... kinda stressful at times but ok!
Too many old people who're all grumpy and deaf!! lol..

I got my new phone!! It's a pinky purple Sony Ericsson Z610! It's uber nifty! :D
It takes really good pics and videos! And also a wee MP3 player too which is pretty funky!

So me and Kenny reached 6 months! Oooh yeah! Go us!!! He must have patience! ;)
But yeah.... 6 months went by soooo quickly its unreal! And we haven't even fell out or anything which just adds to it! Some one loves me and I really can't believe it! I didn't even need to drug him to get him to stay with me! ;)

My PC is dead......
It pissed me off so I attacked its insides with a screwdriver :)
And I ain't kidding :)
So I'm gonna save up about £400 at least and buy myself a bitching PC! One that WONT die!!! lol

Well, I have my friend Robert in the room with me just now so I guess I better stop being an anti social beeatch and socialise!!! (Ughhhh!!!) Also Hazel and Kenny are coming down too so I'll leave the blog at this!!!

Ciao! xxxx

P.S. Oh yeah, I'll also put some pictures up soon hopefully! :)

Sunday 24 June 2007

I need a new liver!

I think im dying.....
Was so drunk last night
Still suffering
Cant remember how I got home.....

Started my new job today.... I enjoyed it :)
Just wish I wasn't so hungover for my first day! :P

I'm gonna leave the blog like this as its difficult to type!!

(6 months being with Kenny on Tuesday! I havent ever been this happy! Im so lucky and i dont deserve him :) Love yoiu loads hunny! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Thursday 21 June 2007


I ended up staying at Kenny's last night... and my god! I need that!
We had booze and.... get ready for this.... I actually slept!!!
And it was the best sleep I've had in a while!
Lying in bed listening to Godspeed You! Black Emperor with someone who loves you hugging into you as you drifty off to sleep.... it was perfect :)
Well I best head off... still at Kenny's just now ands we need to get ready to leave so

Wednesday 20 June 2007

One of those days...

Ugh..... I hate being emo!
Why can't everyone just be happy and stuff instead of feeling like this....
I don't even know why I'm so down! I mean... no one's hurt me! If anything, everything's working out for me so why the hell do I feel so sad?!
I'm not exactly helping myself by listening to overly emotional songs mind you but god damn! I like them! lol...

I feel too warm.. and tired and crabbit!!

I need a hug!

And some cigs!

Sometimes I feel like a burden to everyone cause my heads kinda fucked up... I wonder if people REALLY like me at all... I'm just paranoid.... I'm scared at times cause I feel like people put up with me cause they feel they have too. I also worry incase I'm an imence pain in the ass and no one's actually got the balls to tell me to fuck off...


I hate being paranoid.....

And this lack of sleep I've been having recently is really getting to me....

GAH!!!! This is the worst layed out blog I've ever done but I'm just ranting as it pops into my mind.....

I'm gonna head now. Bye poor person who just read this sad excuse of a blog....

Sunday 17 June 2007

Recent events

Hey there bored people who may stumble across this!

Well, I've been told I start my new job on the 24th of this month and I really can't wait!
I'm genuinly excited about this one for the fact:
1. More money
2. Gets me into a routine
3. Get to rub it in my mum's face! :D

I'm planning on getting myself a wee contract phone aswell on the 22nd. I can afford it and I know I wouldn't go over the limit with it so i'm thinking fuck it! :D

Also, my friend Dan (aka Cousin Kitten) is having a launchparty for his new single in Edinburgh so me and Kenny shall be attending!! Can't wait!! I just hope I have enough moolah...

Well... I've got Kenny poking at my toes just now... I think he wans his laptop back... :P
So I'll update this once my PC's fixed!

Ciao! xxx

Wednesday 13 June 2007

I got the job!!! Fuckin yasss!!
I'm uber happy with myself :D
*dances* Woooo!

Saturday 9 June 2007

Lack of sleep will be the death of me!!

Well, it is 4:06am when I begin this blog.
I am tired - yet cant sleep, too warm, sobered up from a night of excessive drinking and missing Kenny loads :(
He's at a LAN in Glasgow and I've been with Andrew and Dominic all day which has been good.
Me and Dominic went to Largs today with his mum and foster kiddy... had ice cream, walked across the beach and stoof, then went hom to have a barbeque to which Andrew came along too. It was a homosexual partee!!
We had a few drinkies then toddled back to mine to have many more drinkies and watch Wonder Showzen, Captain Planet, Robot Chicken and Drawn Together!
But alas, everything good must come to and end! And I did... and now I can't sleep and I'm just ranting away!!

I miss Kenny :(
We had a great week. It conisted of him mainly staying at mine and we did nothing but hug and kiss and hug more and... snuggle! :D
I love him so much... I don't know if he realises how much I do actually love him :)
I wish I had the money to treat him though. I wish I was able to take him out, to buy him drinks, to take him nice places. I hate it how I never have money to do nice things for people! Meh...

God im so warm its horrable....

Meh, well im gonna head off... it's now 4:21am and I stil can't sleep...grrrr

Ciao xxx

Tuesday 5 June 2007

The interview of doooom

Well, I had my interview today and omg... it was scary!!!
I was asked all those horrable questions like 'What would you bring to the company' and 'why would you suitable for this position'?
I answered all the questions though so that ain't so bad. I'm too hear back from them in 2 weeks max so fingers crossed for me! :D
Kayleigh x

Monday 4 June 2007


Hey people!
I have an interview tomorrow!!! I'm all happy/excited/nervous!!
I really hope I get it cause I really need a new job!
Fingers crossed for me!!!

Sunday 3 June 2007

Lonelyness blows!

Well Kenny's away home now and I'm at home missing him like mad. Today was so perfect as well. We were just hugging and kissing and just being sickeningly cute! Heeheeehee.
So now I'm just waiting for him to come online so we can tell each other how much we miss each other and for him to tell me how evil I am (har har har)

My mum and her boyfriend go away to Turkey for 2 weeks tomorrow so it's gonna be pretty boring I think... no parties or anything. Meh....

I miss Kenny!!!! /cries!

Ciao x

First Blogger blog...bloggity!

Hello there all who have stumbled across this page :)

Well, since this is my first blog on here I guess I may as well tell you some stuff about me.

My name's Kayleigh. I'm 20 years old, and I stay in Scotland. I have a gorgeous boyfriend called Kenny who I've been with since boxing day 2006. I want a new job, I'm a Final Fantasy addict and I love Irn Bru and cute things!

Right well thats the introduction over and done with :P Normally I done my blogs on my myspace account but I was talked into getting a blogger account so I don't really know where to start... lol.

Well, last night was a crazy drunken experience! Drank nearly a whole bottle of vodka to myself so needless to say, I was pretty wasted! lol. I had Kenny staying at mine so me and him were up till about 4.30am watching Wonder Showzen! Show this to your kiddies! They'll love it, honestly ;)

Today has been a totally lazy day. I've been in my PJ's all day - apart from that 15 mins I went up to the shop but I'm that fucking lazy I just threw clothes over my PJ's. Yes - I'm THAT lazy! :P So today had basically consisted of me playing Final Fantasy XII, drinking Irn Bru, hugging ickle hungover Kenny and this! Fun eh! :P

Hmm... I really can't think of much else to write about just now so I'll update again soon :)

Peace out you crazy mofos! :D

About Me

My photo
I'm from Scotland and living in Ayr with a friend. I'm enjoying being me and I love my friends. They're the people who make me want to wake up in the morning! I love them all and I don't know where I'd be without them :)


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream