Tuesday 28 October 2008



I know what you must be thinking.... 'omg, 2 blogs in the same week!!! Who is this?!'

Well, work today was great! Actually got talking to someone in my team and held a conversation!!! I'm impressed with myself :P

Apparantly the housing agency still hasn't been in touch with Kenny yet so he's gonna try and call them tomorrow at somepoint.... bit of a bummer thy haven't got in touch with us yet though :( I really want this house!! So bad!

Well, not much else to say really....

Oh yeah... cold weather + early morning rise = hellish!!! I though global warming would make things warmer!!!! :P

Toodles! xxx


Anonymous said...

lol who did you have a conversation with?

About Me

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I'm from Scotland and living in Ayr with a friend. I'm enjoying being me and I love my friends. They're the people who make me want to wake up in the morning! I love them all and I don't know where I'd be without them :)


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream