Thursday 30 October 2008

The bald frog with a wig

I decided that since I wanna get using this more often I would update my profile! I notices at the bottom there was an option ' create a random question'. Curious I clicked it and was asked to 'quickly tell the story of the bald frog with a wig!'. Happy with this most random question I put my story telling skills to work! After writing this EPIC story, I was disappointed to see it could be only a maximum of 400 characters! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE i thought! Now how are people going to be able to read this MASTERPIECE! 'I know! I'll copy and paste it into my blog!!'

Feast your eyes upon this beauty!!

The Bald Frog with a Wig

Once upon a time there was a frog. This frog was manically depressed! Several times he tried to end his own life but alas... his little webbed hands couldn't pick up that butchers knife to slash his little feeble wrists!
The reason this little frog was popping ye olde happy pills was because... he was bald!
All the other frogs critisied his as they walked about with their mullets!
One day the bald frog ran away and seen a squirrel!
'Look at that squirrels tail! That would look amazing on my head! I could use it as a wig!' he thought to himself!
The frog approched the squirrel, who appeared to be out his face on smack! The frog offered him some drugs in exchange for his tail! So as quick as a flash the squirrel bit off his own tail in exchange for the frog's anti depressants!
The frog returned to his pond showing off his new improves scalp hair!! All the other frogs were incredably jealous of this so decided to kill him!

Moral of the story, don't trust squirrels! They're just out of their tits on drugs!!


Hazels Crochet said...

Ha ha trust you....interesting story!

About Me

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I'm from Scotland and living in Ayr with a friend. I'm enjoying being me and I love my friends. They're the people who make me want to wake up in the morning! I love them all and I don't know where I'd be without them :)


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream