Sunday 14 December 2008

Tis the season to be moving...

So yeah...

Long story short, a lotta crap has happened recently. It's not something I'm willing to write about in an online blog, but close friends know the story.

It's been difficult, but worth it. I'm moving in with my friend Andrew on Tuesday. It's gonna be weird at first, but in the long run it's a good thing :)

I still intend on living with Kenny - just when things sort out for us. I don't see this affecting our relationship though. We've been through so much already, so this will be nothing.

I won't have the internet at Andrew's, so I'll need to get that mobile broadband shit... I'm sure Kenny can help me get the best thing though. So basically, if anyone needs me, misses me, loves me, then you'll just have to call moi! :P

So, take care people and I'll blog whenever I can :) Don't miss me too much!



About Me

My photo
I'm from Scotland and living in Ayr with a friend. I'm enjoying being me and I love my friends. They're the people who make me want to wake up in the morning! I love them all and I don't know where I'd be without them :)


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream