Friday 5 December 2008

The Boosh, Kenny, Myspace and Unemployment

Hey people.

A lot's happened recently but I just haven't found time to update this... so I guess no time's better than now!!

Well, I'm now unemployed and officially dole scum!! :( My own fault really tbh... I had a few days off work - some were due to genuine illness.. the others... I just couldn't be fucked to tell the truth! So yeah, my agency called and basically told me not to return to the project. Bah! I'm too bootylicious for them!! :P (who the hell am I kidding?!)

On a good side though.... Me, Kenny and Andrew went to go and see The Mighty Boosh at the SECC on the 28th of November.... it was fucking epic!!! Probably more amazing for me as I was fucked beyond all belief when I went to see them! Check the pupil dilation :P

And Noel Fielding walked by us and I was so happy!!! I WAS NEAR VINCEY PRINCEY!!! :D They sang the Eels song and had a giant eel bouncy castle sorta thing on stage... Buy the DVD when it comes out! It'll be a treat! :P

Oh yeah... I made a new myspace account. I figured I'll go all the way with this social networking rubbish! I only have 2 friends on it!!! Come one people!! Show some love!!! :P Add me!!

Well, lastly... Kenny.
We had been having some relationship problems. Mainly that there was no communication. I was talking more to my friends than I was him and I was kinda worried. So I reccomended we have a break... maybe a bit of time apart might help us.
Bad move.
In the end - after lots of crying - we worked things out. We're now back to normal :) We're happy again and we're just gonna try not and stress each other out as much! But in the end, I think the fact this all happened was for the best. We both know that we wanna stay together. We're gonna be together no matter what!
Also, it's our 2 year anniversary soon! 21 days to go!!!

On a final note, we're going away to Carlisle together for the weekend which will be good. His sister lives down there so just a break away together will be nice :)
Well, I believe this will do for now :)

Bye xxx

P.S. Add me on myspace damnit!!!


OnlineBiashara said...

i like your blog girl. Never Break up again cute.

About Me

My photo
I'm from Scotland and living in Ayr with a friend. I'm enjoying being me and I love my friends. They're the people who make me want to wake up in the morning! I love them all and I don't know where I'd be without them :)


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream